Take yesterday with Mick and Luke. It was warm (26C), often windier than ideal, and mostly cloudy. Yet from the very first cast of the day at Cabin Lake to a 4 pound brown, the fishing never really slowed down no matter which lake we fished. There was polaroiding the edges (yes, even in full cloud), a big dun hatch for 2 hours with every fish on them, smelters, damsel leapers, and a finale of midges so thick, the trout rose in squadrons and we literally could not turn on a torch without choking on midge. From our mid-morning start until walking off the water exhausted but happy at 8.30pm, we never went more than 10 minutes without casting to a sighted fish, and often it was non-stop targets.
A combination of a wet 2019 with full lakes, then a cool, wet late summer, has us blessed with lots of trout in excellent condition (that won't change); and a bug bonanza (at least for now. See? We're being cautious!)